Friday, March 23, 2012

Everything but the moo.

I love cattle (if you haven't figured that out already). They provide my family with a lifestyle that so few today can even imagine. They are an unwavering existence in my life, keeping me grounded and focused and content. Plus, they provide us with BEEF, which packs the most nutrient dense punch per serving of any other food product. Most people don't know, however, that the humble cow provides our population with much more than just beef. Modern producers respect these animals and make sure that every bit is used so nothing is thrown away. Here is a short list of some other everyday items cattle provide us with:

anti-aging creme, medicines, dyes and inks, adhesives, minerals, plastics, plant food, photo film, shampoo, conditioner, lamination, plywood, charcoal, glass, instrument strings, air filters, brushes, felt, insulation, plaster, textiles, cosmetics, gelatin, flavorings, wallpaper, candies, nitrogen, phosphorus, chewing gum, candles, detergents, fabric softener, deoderant, shaving creme, perfume, pet food, crayons, paint, oils, lubricants, biodiesel, waterproofing agents, cement, chalk, explosives, fireworks, matches, antifreeze, linolium, rubber, and textiles, to name a few.

Beef producers like to say we use everything but the moo. You can see that these are products used by nearly 100% of the population every day, so everyone has benefited in one way or another from the beef industry. Keep this list in mind, and the next time some fine individual announces 'Yes, I am a vegan' you can laugh and say, 'No, you are not.' Reality tends to throw those people for a loop.

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